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Hi @Liviu
For Moroccan users, I think this constraint won't be useful , as there are no practical cases for its use at the moment.

If it's a special case, it's better to use a tricks to solve it, instead than adding a constraint that won't be used by many users.
أدنى أيام بين أنشطة
اختر الأستاذ
ستظهر القيود الخاصة بأنشطته
اخترها قيدا منها
غير ادنى ايام ل2
والوزن 100

كرر العملية مع جميع القيود الظاهرة في النافذة
Hi Liviu

When using the lock and unlock feature to improve tables, we need to open the timetable view dialog to get an idea and navigate to the time and space constraint views. When adding a new constraint, FET does not allow displaying the tables and requires us to regenerate them. If possible, keeping the ability to view tables despite constraint modifications.
السؤال الاول:
قيد انشطة تحتل اقصى فترات زمنية محددة
اختر انشطة الاستاذ الاول ثم الثاني
في الحصص الزمنية حدد الاسبوع بالكامل
في اقصى شغل ضع عدد ساعات الاستاذ الذي له اكبر غلاف زمني اسبوعي.

السؤال الثاني
أنشطة ليست متداخلة
مسار موقع رسمي تابع لوزارة التعليم بالمغر وليس برنامجا قابل للتحميل
I think there is no bug. Let me explain:
The file contains rooms with the same names as the groups, and the screenshot representing the absence of activity in the 5CER table is a screenshot of the 5CER rooms and not of the 5CER group. The activity is correctly placed in the Palestra1 room.
Suggestions / Re: Max tag repetition
August 24, 2024, 10:02:33 PM
In fact, the only use of FET NSRT is for assigning exam supervision, where we need to ensure that a teacher is not assigned to supervise the same room more than once. If the official FET supports this, we would definitely abandon FET NSRT. For example, a constraint like "a set of activities occupies a minimum number of different rooms" ensures that the program will assign the teacher to a different room for each exam.
Suggestions / Re: Max tag repetition
August 24, 2024, 06:02:17 PM
Per day? Room?
I suggest adding a feature in the Mornings-Afternoons mode like a msgbox or a warning when user click on Data -> Teachers, and when starting the generation process, alerting the user to pay attention to the teachers' behavior.

Hello my friend,

I think that users are confused about the teacher's behavior feature due to old YouTube videos that explain how to use the program when there were the Moroccan and Algerian versions, as well as the FET MA version. We always try to guide new users to understand that the behavior has been moved from the constraints interface to the teachers' data.

Anyway, I have opened a poll on the subject in a Facebook group and will wait for the results.

As for my opinion, I think moving the teacher's behavior back to constraints would be a step backward in the development of the program.
Get Help / Re: between two choices about simultaneity
August 18, 2024, 12:12:15 PM

I have a similar question:
Which solution is better in terms of generation speed to avoid exceeding the number of teachers each hour relative to the available rooms:

1. Maxi simultaneous
2. Assigning all available rooms to all teachers to ensure the number of activities is less than or equal to the number of rooms each hour.
Snapshots / Re: FET-6.23.0 snapshot available
August 17, 2024, 12:56:32 AM
Hi liviu
After testing the snapshut, it works well.

Thanks my friend
Thank you, my friend, for your quick response. Indeed, I hadn't considered this constraint. I thought it might result in scattered gaps throughout the real day, but there is a constraint on the maximum daily gaps that will prevent this, keeping the gaps confined to the middle of the day between morning and afternoon.
Hi @Liviu Lalescu, I hope this message finds you well.
FET provides a constraint 'Min resting hours between morning and afternoon for a student set/all student set,' allowing for a break between morning and afternoon sessions. Is there a possibility to add the inverse of this constraint, like 'Max resting hours between morning and afternoon for a student set/all student set,' which would reduce the number of hours between morning and afternoon for students, This would help avoid the dispersion of activities between the start of the morning and the end of the afternoon, especially for students who have few activities during the week.
Report a Bug / Re: Student set is hidden
July 21, 2024, 03:36:15 PM
Thanks, i found it,