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Messages - Darren McDonald

FET-6.28.7 for macOS is now available.
FET-6.28.6 for macOS is now available.
The macOS version of FET-6.28.5 is now available. Happy New Year!
FET-6.28.4 for macOS is now available. Happy Holidays everyone!
FET-6.28.3 for macOS is now available.
FET-6.28.2 for macOS is now available.
Much faster! I was doing other things at the same time (so it's probably even a more significant improvement), but it's cut the compile time by around 50%, I think). Unfortunately it looks like there might be some macOS interface issues—I'll send you an email shortly.
FET-6.28.1 for macOS is now available. (Sorry for the wait, I missed the notifications for the last two releases!)
FET-6.27.0 for macOS is now available.
ayreon, you're right that compiling FET produces both the app and the cli version, and we used to bundle the cli version with the app.

Unfortunately, the introduction of Gatekeeper (Apple's OS "feature" that ensures only "trusted"* apps can run) complicates things. I'm guessing you only ran the compiled cli on the Mac you used to compile FET? If so, you wouldn't notice any issues. However, if you try to run the cli version you compiled on any other machine, you won't be able to get it to run (at least not with ease). There are some workarounds (they require some terminal commands to recursively mark the components of the script as trusted), but it's a pain to do (and may not even work on the latest OS), so I figured that anyone who wants to use cli version of FET (a minority of FET users) would also be someone who could compile the software without difficulty on their own machine, so I dropped the cli version from the mac bundle years ago, and I think you may be the first person to have have noticed.

In any case, it looks like you've managed just fine, so it's good news that the cli version is still working on macOS!

*To some extent, "trusted" just identifies those who have paid Apple for an Apple Developer account at (when last I checked) $100 per year. I think Mac users can decide on their own whether they trust the FET developers enough to run the software.
FET-6.26.2 for macOS is now available.
FET-6.26.0 for macOS is now available.
The macOS version of FET-6.25.3 is now available.
FET-6.25.2 for macOS is now available.
FET-6.25.1 for macOS is now available.