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Messages - Andrés Chandía

Suggestions / Re: Printing reports
July 07, 2022, 04:18:56 PM
I was thinking that maybe in the filter section it could be added a filter by active/non active
Suggestions / Printing reports
July 07, 2022, 11:11:02 AM
Hi Liviu, long time not posting, I hope you're ok...

I've been working in the automation of dumping data from the uni applications into fet, all good.
As you know our time tables are really intricate with more than 300 activities, so some times we need to enable/disable time or place for many activities in order to generate. So, my question is, it would be possible to incorporate a printing option in time and place that could print a report (or generate a csv) of "enabled/disabled" activities?

Or Maybe not a printing option but a visualization option: display active/non-active constraints...

Or both: printing/displaying

That's it, thanks again for your wonderful work!!
Get Help / file.csv → file.fet
January 20, 2022, 06:08:45 PM
Hi Liviu,
so long without being in touch.... but here I am, ready to anoy you with one of my questions....

I have seen this post:
Quote from: Liviu Lalescu on August 09, 2010, 11:25:14 PM
Import of timetable is not possible (for now).

The only thing you can do is to generate a .fet file, with activities locked by constraints "an activity has a preferred starting time".

Is there any script to convert from file.csv to file.fet? or directions in how to accomplish it?

Thanks, and all the best for this brand new year...
Hi Liviu,
totally agree with moving the topic
1) fixed
2) changed to Educational
3) yes, those are two different groups indicated by the SXXX, S is for seminar where you have S101 and S201  ;)

08:30 - 10:30 Fonaments de la Traducció S101
08:30 - 10:30 Fonaments de la Traducció S201

Hi there, I'm proud to present the new IWCH (Web Interface for Timetable Queries) at UPF.
Php + MySql Query, of course all based on the formidable work done by Liviu at his FET.
You can visit here (Interface in Catalan, the official language of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Catalonia)

General Stuff / Re: downloadable exe file
December 22, 2015, 05:41:26 PM
Well I download the win version for windows users...
this is my situation:
linux samba server
FET directory shared with the program in it, so windows users run it from there instead of installing fet locally in every windows client.
so when an update is out I just have to change files in FET SAMBA DIR instead of going to every windows station to update fet.
So, is not that I need it for linux.
Thanks again
General Stuff / Re: downloadable exe file
December 22, 2015, 02:02:56 PM
Ok, first let me tell you that updating 7z and using it directly make it work.....
Second, I work on linux (ubuntu) so I usually download the exe file, and in graphic environment I click right button > extract here, this does not work now.
but in the shell: 7z x fet-5.28.4.exe works fine!!

so thanks a lot
General Stuff / downloadable exe file
December 22, 2015, 12:58:47 PM
Hi there, so long,
a question, is there any change in the way you compress the exe file? until now I was able to download it and extract it to put all the content at a personalized directory, and it always worked fine, but the last exe file does not allow me to extract it, is that the file is corrupt or that you changed the way?

Suggestions / add read only file function
July 15, 2015, 11:24:40 AM
Hi there, almost a year ago I suggested the same I'm suggesting now, and I think is important not only for us but for other institutions too, Surely the schedules are made by a team in many of the places that use fet, this is why I think it is important...

QuoteOnce, Liviu had implemented for the University I work at, the locking of the file in use in a way that always that the file is opened by a user a second user (at a network) can open it also but only in "read only" mode, so the file can not be modified while another user is editing it, as from that time fet has released so many versions with many improvements that we would like to have, I ask if it's possible to add this feature to the official FET release.

Thanks again.
Suggestions / Lock file while in use
September 30, 2014, 12:38:43 PM
Hi again after so long,
Once, Liviu had implemented for the University I work at the locking of the file in use in a way that always that the file is opened by a user a second user (at a network) can open it also but only in "read only" mode, so the file can not be modified while another user is editing it, as from that time fet has released so many versions with many improvements that we would like to have, I ask if it's possible to add this feature to the official FET release, actually I think it was in some previous version, but not in the last one.

If your school application is based on databases, I think the better solution is to use the csv file (File > Export )
Nice, I'll try it and I will inform you, anyway for the sake of easiness of non admin users it would be good to have a constraint like the one I mentioned: "An activity has a set of assigned rooms"
Talk It Up! / Re: GNU/Linux and parallel FET tasks
January 26, 2012, 03:08:58 PM
Maybe with the nice command assing the same nice amount to both check man nice
We are succesfully using Open Atrium, a Drupal Based Group management environement:
Suggestions / Re: Add note to activity
January 26, 2012, 03:01:40 PM
Good to know, because I have managed this by tagging the tags, I mean I introduce tags like this:
Then in the web interface I have php script that shows them depending on the label. This will simplify the task for users, even though I will have to change the php code.