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Topics - Jimena

Get Help / Help with Export
August 20, 2023, 04:23:05 PM
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to export files in Excel. The educaction program we use in our provence in Spain   allows to import XML files and establish the teachers' timetibles, but I do not know if we can export the timetibles generated with FET.

Thanks a lot

Get Help on Your Input File / MISSING ACTIVITIES
July 06, 2023, 01:03:59 PM
Hello, I am writting from Spain, we have tried to complete this timetable, and it says that all the activities are placed, but the ones in which a class is splitted ( for example, part of the class goes to Latin, and the rest to Biology in group 4)And also this morning there were more activities than nowm when I have geberated a new one.
We are a bit desperate as we are a new team and it is the first time we have to cope with these tasks.

Best regards