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Messages - nelsonjrgomes

Sure - 10_1A, 10_1B, 10_1C, 10_2, 11_2A and 12_2.
But I think I now know the answer - I also had a constraint to set activities with a tag to a certain number of rooms. This seems to override the Students with a preferred room...
Thanks for the quick reply. File now attached...
Get Help / FET didn't respect Student's home room?
July 25, 2024, 05:22:31 PM

When I thought that I had finished the timetables for this school year, I saw that FET didn't respect student's home room (for 5 of the students groups).

I'm pretty sure that this was my fault, but I can't seem to understand why that happened...

Could someone see the file to help me understand what was the fault? I can't attach it here, as it has 1.7 Mb...

And is it possible to keep the activities locked, but try to once again distribute activities rooms, to respect the student rooms?

Thanks in advance,

If possible, that would solve the problem - as I said previously, timetables are generated with the program as is, the only question is the output, that is not easily readable. If it's possible to hide the unused hours in the afternoon (but keep the breaks along the day), it would be perfect.

You can see the actual output of two one of the classes (One of them is the most difficult as there is more info per cell, the other ones are smaller/easier to read).   

The tables are now perfectly readable, when I try to print them (Chrome, Firefox and Edge all work well) - just adjust the scale a bit (some of the timetables are quite wide, due to the info). I keep having the problem with too many lines in the morning/afternoon, but that is another question.

Thanks once again,
Thank you for your (as usual) quick reply!

Yes, I use the latest version, that I downloaded last weekend (6.22.0) - and, in fact, I can already see the much useful real days in the tables.

When I see the output file (in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, ...) the tables are there, easy to read (with a couple of lines with no useful info). However, when I try to print them, in Chrome and Edge the first rows are missing - could be just a couple rows missing, or the whole morning classes, as the example I attach The missing rows do not appear in the previous page, they simply dissapear. This way, when trying to print tables they becomes unreadable; when I try in Firefox, the output is a bit more readable, if I reduce the  scale.

One suggestion: Is it possible to make mornings/afternoons mode with a different number of periods in each one? In my school (and I believe in many schools in Portugal) the number of hours in the mornings is greater than the ones in the afternoons (in our institution, 6 in the morning and 2 to 4 in the afternoons, depending of the school year). Of course the program works as is, but when trying to print the timetables, they become nearly unreadables, as they end up using more than one page...

Thanks in advance,
Don't mind, I just found out what was the problem - hadn't defined break times in mornings/afternoons mode... It's now working fine.

In desperate need of help...

I need to assure that two activities are consecutive - "Desenho" and "Apoio Desenho" must come one after the other, with a gap in between. This is for one class in particular, but there are many other classes that I must guarantee that two activities are consecutive.

When using Official Mode, I can add that constraint and FET gives me timetables without breaking a sweat.

This time, I need to use Mornings/Afternoons mode (most of the times students have classes in the morning and after lunch). When adding that constraint ("Desenho" and "Apoio Desenho" are consecutive), FET is unable to give possible timetables. When I remove the constraint, in some of the timetables FET gives they are consecutive. I suspect that this might be a bug - it is clearly possible that the two are consecutive, but when adding the constraint, FET doesn't give me a solution.


I managed to play around a bit, and I believe with your solution I can solve the problem with gaps at the end of the morning schedule. I had this problem with teachers schedule, as well as students schedule, as there is a optional discipline that must be at the end of the morning, and there was no easy way to set it. This is an early study for next school year schedules (only in July I'll be working seriously in the timetables). If I find any shortcomings, I'll get back to you.

Another question (that has nothing to do with the previous): If there is a discipline that has classes 3x per week, and I don't want them in three consecutive days, how should I set them? There is no problem in having Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (two of them in consecutive days), but not on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Thank you once again!
In hour 6 gap is not counted; if hour 6 is not occupied, then gap in hour 5 is not counted - this is the idea behind it.

In the meantime, if you think in some kind of workaround that gives the same output, great!

Thank you once again for your patience.
Thank you once again.

One last question - as I mentioned earlier, the only way that the gaps are not counted as such is if they appear in one (or two) of the last classes before lunch, not the others. The standard school schedule is this:

- 8:25-9:10
- 9:10-9:55
- 10:20-11:05
- 11:05-11:50
- 12:05-12:50
- 12:50-13:35

- 14:45-15:30
- 15:30-16:15

This mode, MA, may permit that a gap before lunchtime is not treated as such. But it could give me timetables in which a teacher only works from 8:25 to 9:55, and then again in the afternoon, after lunchtime. Effectively, those would be gaps in the timetable - only in the red slots those gaps are not treated as such. Is there a way to guarantee that it wouldn't happen?

Thank you both for your quick reply!

I've read the help mode of the Mornings Afternoons you suggested, and if I understood it correctly, I should define 10 working days, to separate mornings and afternoons (our classes are from monday to friday). However, at least in my school, mornings and afternoons don't have the same working hours - in the morning there are 6x 45' classes, and in the afternoon there is only 2x 45' classes (or 3x45', in 10th and 11th grade). I believe this is a setback to use MA mode, right, as the "working days" should all have the same classes, right?

Thanks in advance!

I'd like do give a suggestion for a future feature, that would come in handy.

In my school, and in most of the cases, teachers have classes before and after lunchtime - as well as the students. If the teacher has a gap before lunchtime, that doesn't count as a gap in his timetable, but as a larger lunch break. This can also apply to the students - they can't have gaps in their timetables in the middle of the morning, but if a gap is before lunchtime, that doesn't count as such.

The lunchtime is from 13:35 till 14:45. There are two immediate classes, from 12:05-12:50 and from 12:50-13:35. If a teacher has no activity from 12:50-13:35, this doesn't count as a gap, but as a larger lunch break.

If this could be implemented in a future version of the software, would come in handy!

Best regards!
Thank you for your quick reply!

I tried your suggestion to set min ocupation in the afternoon to 10 blocks out of 10 available, as well as to set the ocupation in the morning to 100%, only leaving between 12:05 and 13:35 with not 100% occupation. However, I couldn't get FET to solve this problem, as no 100% timetable was presented - could it be because FET "sees" the vacant times as gaps, as they are not allowed?

A workaround was to set the discipline "no class" and to set the condition to only occupy the time between 12:05 and 13:35 - this way I can get timetables, but I have to assign them to fictitional rooms.