Splitting one activity into several rooms

Started by msir, October 29, 2021, 03:36:27 PM

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Dear all,
Please, is it possible to split one activity to occupy more than one room when the timetable is generated?
For example, if an activity has 500 students it should be able to split into two rooms with if the available rooms have a capacity of 300 each.

Thank you

Liviu Lalescu


Maybe the answer is no. Each activity has exactly a time slots and a room. But you can make an activity occupy two or more rooms by using virtual rooms (there are some Help buttons there).


Dear Liviu,
Thanks for the response.
This sounds like what I need but please, where can I get the virtual rooms and where do I set it up to enable an activity to occupy more than one room? i.e. it is a room or time constraint etc?

The idea behind this is to manage the rooms well due to some activities having more students than each of our rooms can take.

Liviu Lalescu

You are welcome!

Please go to the Rooms dialog, add a room, then make it virtual (you will also need to add the real rooms, before). There are some Help buttons there explaining the procedure.

Dr. T. Patel

I am using the virtual room option. It is an incredible update in the FET software. I was eagerly waiting for this and finally got it. Thank you FET team.