increase random distribution hours

Started by cizio, August 01, 2022, 11:52:46 AM

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Hi, I noticed that the software tends to position the hours of the subject always at the same time, every day when the teacher is present.
For example, the math teacher of class 1 always meets the class at the 5th hour every day.
I would like to ask if it is possible to increase the rate of random distribution of hours, in order to vary the time when the teacher meets the class.



I have the same problem... I tried to solve by insert an constraint "A teacher works in a hourly interval max days per week" so in this way the same teacher doesn't begin or finish in the same hours and then the random distribution is quite increased... but is not a 100% solution.

@Liviu Lalescu can you help us?

Thank you

Liviu Lalescu

Teacher interval max days per week should not be used here!

I think the solution is the constraint subactivities preferred times. For instance, if math is 4 days per week, add 4 constraints: 1) math, split index 1, allowed first hour and second hour; 2) math, split index 2, allowed second hour and third hour; 3) math, split index 3; 4) math, split index 4; something like that.

Take care that in Italian it seems that the (old) translator translated "activity" and "subactivity" the same, as "subattivita". You might want to check the English FET interface to make sure.

Volker Dirr