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Messages - Liviu Lalescu

General Stuff / Re: New-bie question
July 09, 2009, 10:24:19 AM
In FET, you can have only the same duration for all hours, and duration 1 hour. Maybe you can try to give the name of only the start hour and work like that.
General Stuff / Re: The basics?!?!
July 11, 2010, 11:03:06 AM
QuoteIve done that, but I dont think its generating a file.  Am I missing out a step?  Generate timetables, then select output directory, then using 'exporer' locate file and open in browser.  Except the file has not been generated into html and is not in the folder??

Select output directory first, then generate.

Probably the generated timetables are in the old (previous) location.
General Stuff / Re: The basics?!?!
July 11, 2010, 10:50:32 AM
Go to the output directory, timetables, name of file, then open file ending in index.html. You can open the HTML files with an Internet browser like Firefox, then print from this browser.

There is no direct printing from FET right now, you need to open the HTML timetables and print from a browser.
General Stuff / Re: help needed!
July 06, 2010, 10:26:35 AM
QuoteJust a quick question as I am new to this software - how can I change the days so that they start on a Sunday - I thought I did this when I set the timetable up but it hasn't worked!

I am not sure I understand your problem. If you have 7 days and name them: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, then this is the order shown in the timetable.

Also I am constructing two timetables for one school but with different timings for the two timetables - is that possible?
Many thanks!! :)

You mean you want two different variants of timetables for the same data? Generate twice (without setting the same random seed - ignore this phrase if you don't know what random seed is).
General Stuff / Re: Currently placed activities
June 16, 2010, 06:46:28 PM
max_placed_activities.txt updates whenever FET manages to place one more activity than previous maximum. What do you mean it is only the result written? It is updated in real time.

Please try to run FET command line in a console. If you work on Windows, enable console output (I think in you need to add a {win32} CONFIG+=console - search please Qt documentation for adding support for console under Windows). Then, in the console, FET outputs the current operation.

Check please this output and we'll talk after that.

Or, see in src/engine/generate.cpp, function Generate::generate, what is with cout<<...something...added_act. This is the FET output to console.

Edited to correct: I think the correct way is: {win32 CONFIG+=console}. I am not sure, though.
General Stuff / Re: FET screenshots
June 16, 2010, 08:36:00 AM
The missing icons is a bug of FET under GNOME, I fixed it in the latest FET snapshot (
General Stuff / Re: FET screenshots
June 15, 2010, 01:34:36 PM
I just saw now the screenshots - first collection, English, the teachers' constraints. There is something like a bug there, there are missing the locked/unlocked icons for constraints teacher(s) max hours daily with an activity tag. In the left of these 2 constraints there should be appear a locked icon (or unlocked, if you unlocked this facility).

Is it because of the screenshot capture program?

Other users, can you see these icons correctly? They should appear for
teacher(s) and students (set) max hours daily with an activity tag and for
students max gaps per day (in time constraints menu or shortcuts tab).
General Stuff / FET screenshots
June 15, 2010, 09:56:39 AM
I improved the screenshots section with some screen shots from the users. Please check the corresponding section on the FET homepage.
General Stuff / Limitation of max activity id
June 14, 2010, 12:30:49 PM
This is a possible problem: the maximum id of an activity is 2^31-1 (which is about 2.147*10^9, about 2 billions).

Every time the user adds an activity, the next id is the size of maximum current id + 1.

If a user removes an activity, that id is removed.

Example: adds 1,2,3,4,5, removes 3 and 4 - next addition will be 6. So, we have 1,2,5,6.

My question is: may there appear problems because of limitation of max id to 2^31-1? Or should I not bother about that?
General Stuff / Re: Fet on Pardus
June 10, 2010, 06:58:27 PM
I'm glad it's solved :-)
General Stuff / Re: Fet on Pardus
June 10, 2010, 10:41:03 AM
Quotewhen i run the command qmake the error is

QMAKESPEC has not been set, so configuration cannot be deduced.
Error processing project file: /home/birtan/İndirilenler/fet-5.13.3/

Please read the README file of FET more carefully. There is an explanation there about QMAKESPEC. It is a Qt installation problem.

Edited to add (1): you have also a solution to this problem in the FET README file.

Edited to add (2): I think you need to create an environment variable QMAKESPEC with value linux-g++ (as written in the FET README). I am not sure of the best way to create this environment variable. Maybe you can search for more help on the Internet.
General Stuff / Re: Fet on Pardus
June 10, 2010, 09:22:31 AM
Please write "qmake" (or "qmake") and then "make". This last command takes a longer time.

Attention: qmake without "-project". If you already wrote this, maybe you need to remove and unpack FET again.

Please let me know if you succeed to compile FET, because I want to make sure everything is all right.
QuoteOh, could be that you are checking the firsts part of the table, check these ones:

Aules        visualitza        visualitza        visualitza        visualitza
Matèries       visualitza       visualitza       visualitza       visualitza
Activitats       visualitza       visualitza       visualitza       visualitza

OK, now I saw them (I was looking for students and teachers). However, the Materies is still empty.
QuoteYou can always see the generated timetables at

I tried it, but the timetables are empty?
You can write in French, if it is easier for you (but put also the translation into English).

I think you can to use constraint ActivitiesPreferredStartingTimes, ActivitiesPreferredTimeSlots, SubactivitiesPreferredStartingTimes or SubactivitiesPreferredTimeSlots.

Or maybe use constraint TeacherIntervalMaxDaysPerWeek, interval=late hours.