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Years, groups, etc

Started by poetasandaluces, July 28, 2024, 11:24:50 AM

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Hello there. I've using FET for a long time but I still don't get how to use the year, groups, etc, divisions. The problem is that I have to link several groups that share a subject at the same time. Better if I give an example:

Group 4A/4B go toghether because some students take Biology and others take Latín. The thing is I don't know how to divide things properly.

So far, I managed to solve the problem by creating a subject 'Biología/Latín' which is quite simple, but I'd like to do It the other way, with separate subjects.



Liviu Lalescu

Hello, Juanma,

It is easy: add year 4, and divide it by 2 categories: (A, B) and (Bio, Lat). You'll use the groups 4A, 4B, 4Bio, and 4Lat, without deleting the subgroups, of course. You can add same starting time for Bio and Lat activities, if you really need (it might be implicit from the other activities, or not really needed).


Hello! I don't get it, to be honest

Liviu Lalescu

I hope with the 3 attached screenshots and the fet file it is clear now.


Thank you very much, Liviu.  I see your point but there are more options to choose that make it more difficult:

Between Latin/Biología they choose one
Between Física / Economía they choose one
Between Música / Arte / Digitalización, they choose one
Between Dibujo Técnico / Danza / Cultura clásica, they choose one

That's the problem

Liviu Lalescu

You are welcome, Juanma!

Then, 5 categories: (A, B), (Lat, Bio), (Fis, Eco), (Mus, Art, dig), (DT, Da, CC). 2*2*2*3*3=72 subgroups, it is acceptable. I hope it will be fast enough, but without divisions it is faster.


I got it, Liviu. Yet we have another problem

We also have two more groups in 4 (4A diver and 4B diver) that don't choose betweeen Física and Economía because they don't study that. Yet if I establish all these categories Física and Economía appear in 4A Diver and 4B Diver.

Liviu Lalescu

Oh, then the (Fis, Eco) category becomes (Fis, Eco, none).


(none) is going to appear written in the timetable? Because they must hace something different in this gap

Liviu Lalescu

I am not sure I understand correctly. "none" students group will have no activities, but the subgroups under this students group will have from the other groups. If you have max 0 gaps, then all the subgroups will respect this.

You could do a test to check.


If I establish the none category (economía, física, none) then the timetable throws economía/física for 4DiverA and 4DiverB and they don't have to study that.

Liviu Lalescu

I think then (A, B), (Lat, Bio), (Fis, Eco, Diver), (Mus, Art, Dig), (DT, Da, CC), and in the activities use the groups 4_ A, B, Lat, Bio, Fis, Eco, Mus, Art, Dig, DT, Da, CC, and also the subgroups 4_A_Diver and 4_B_Diver.