activities 1 before activities 2

Started by remaille, September 23, 2016, 04:36:55 PM

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I have two fractionned activities with two different teachers. I must have the first one to finish completly before the start of any of the second one. Let's say the first group of activities are "revision" and the second one are "going futher"
How could I do that ?
Many Thanks,

Liviu Lalescu

Doesn't the constraint two activities ordered do exactly this? But you need to add many constraints.


Yes but activity one is split into 6 time slots hours as activity 2. I have to add 36 constraints :-s

If there no other way I will try to put constraint on teacher availability. :)

Liviu Lalescu

36 constraints for a single time in a timetable is not that much. But if you need it 10 times, it is not easy.

I could help you with some customization, if you really need it. One idea I have is to design a program to output the XML .fet code for 36 constraints, given the start id-s of the activities. Then you just need to copy/paste this code from the generated file into your file.

Or another idea would be to add the tag "Before" and "After" for some activities and only allow them in order ("After" after "Before"). This can also be done simply. And I don't need to change much of the code, but we need to keep it as a custom version. But we might need to add more variants of "After" and "Before", like pairs? Or there are global "After" and "Before"?

Liviu Lalescu

Or, even better, a custom version in which you add only a single constraint with the representative activities and FET considers all subactivities's pairs between them. It is easy to modify.

Volker Dirr

please think very carefully if it make sense to add those constraints.
because on the paper it look likte it is a needed and useful feature.
but in real life it doesn't make much sence. why?
because after some time (in worst case already in the first week) activity 2 will be teached BEFORE activity 1. Because activity 1 will be drop out / omitted, because:
- public holiday
- teacher is ill
- students do a school trip
- ...
there are so many reasons. you will never keep the order, even it look like that on the paper. real life isn't like that.

also activity 2 can start before activity 1. they can check if all students are present. they can tell what they will do in activity 1 and 2 over the whole year. they can hand the books to the students, tell them what they need to bring into school for that 2 activities, ...
there is so much to do, even if activity 2 starts in the first week before activity 1.


You are right but this is a particualr case. I found a workaround palying with teachers unavailabilities. No need for a custom version for that.
Many thanks,

Liviu Lalescu

Volker Dirr

Even if i don't like it (see above) you can try
FET -> Data -> Time constraints -> Actvities -> others (2) -> Two activities are ordered
FET -> Data -> Time constraints -> Actvities -> others (2) -> Two sets of activities are ordered
FET -> Data -> Time constraints -> Actvities -> others (2) -> Two activities are ordered if they are on the same day


Hi, I came here from another post. For these 3 options,

FET -> Data -> Time constraints -> Actvities -> others (2) -> Two activities are ordered
FET -> Data -> Time constraints -> Actvities -> others (2) -> Two sets of activities are ordered
FET -> Data -> Time constraints -> Actvities -> others (2) -> Two activities are ordered if they are on the same day

does 'ordered' mean they will follow the other activity without gaps? Or can we specify hours or days between them? They're two separate activities (not subactivities).

Many thanks

Volker Dirr

"ordered" -> so there can be no gap OR there can be gaps OR there can be even days between them.

"same day" -> there can be no gap OR there can be gaps, BUT there can not be days between them.

"consecutive" -> there is no gap