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Messages - Alex Chernous

Report a Bug / Re: Incorrect directory name encoding
March 05, 2024, 09:32:17 PM
Of course, the additions made the work more efficient.
  • History and autosave. They are very useful when you return to work after some time and no longer remember what exactly changed. For me, this is very useful, since there are many constraints and they can change throughout the month. Autosave as an addition to history. I used to save different versions with different constraints. But now, that there is a story, I can store everything in one file.
  • Multiple selection. For me, it is useful - space constraints dialogs, not available times time horizontal for teachers and students, when I see the overall picture.
  • Room/building changes per day were useful last year when there was a renovation at the school. An rooms was assigned to each students set, and the changes had to be limited. Usually I assign the rooms to a certain subject or teacher.
  • Students/teachers max hours daily in hourly interval - has not yet used.
Thank you for your great work!
Report a Bug / Re: Incorrect directory name encoding
March 03, 2024, 05:55:28 PM
Can do the same with configuration files as with a history file. If the version is out of date or format change, create a new file?
Report a Bug / Re: Incorrect directory name encoding
March 03, 2024, 05:26:54 PM
Yes, you're right. This is a problem when using the same config file for different FET (Qt) versions.
When I deleted the .config/fet/fettimetabling.conf file, any versions work fine and created default directories in fet-results
Report a Bug / Re: Incorrect directory name encoding
March 03, 2024, 03:23:36 PM
Thanks for your prompt reply. But there was no such problem with the encoding before, even when compiling with a Qt 5 version and older. I've been using FET for a long time and compiling it myself. I will try to carefully localize when it appeared.
Report a Bug / Re: Incorrect directory name encoding
March 03, 2024, 01:57:36 PM
I know about multi-thread compilation, by the way, from you. I use make -j4 on this computer. And now I install Qt 6.
Report a Bug / Re: Incorrect directory name encoding
March 03, 2024, 01:39:18 PM
Quote from: Volker Dirr on March 03, 2024, 01:31:25 PMI wonder why there are in fact 2 of that strange directories.
Should be normally only one directory called "fet-results".
Did you replace that name by Cyrillic script? (And please answer Livius questions. They are more important.)

In my settings, the path is: /home/alex/Школа/Расписание and this path is re-created, but in a different encoding.I checked this same path.
Report a Bug / Re: Incorrect directory name encoding
March 03, 2024, 01:33:14 PM
1. I downloaded the archives from and will check both versions. But the compilation takes about 1 hours. I remember that the problem arose when it became possible to record the history.
2. uname -a
Linux mentor 6.1.0-18-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.76-1 (2024-02-01) x86_64 GNU/Linux
3. Compiling myself:
qmake ; makeSometimes I use Qt Creator.
qmake -v
QMake version 3.1
Using Qt version 5.15.8 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

qtcreator -version
Qt Creator 9.0.2 based on Qt 6.4.2
Report a Bug / Incorrect directory name encoding
March 03, 2024, 12:51:50 PM
Hi Liviu! Thank you for your great work!

From version 6.12.0 (adding history), when the program is run, a directory is created (auto-saving, working, importing) but in wrong encoding (see attachment).

When you set the location of files in the settings again, this does not happen.

I tried to change the directory name in the settings file, but it didn't work, the encoding changed again and the directories were created.

I would like to help fix this in the code, but I did not understand where is making these directories.
Get Help / Re: Additions 0.5 hour lesson
August 31, 2021, 05:52:51 PM
Quote from: Ulugbek Tulakov on August 26, 2021, 09:07:32 AM
Here is the situation for me
Lesson                                                  Hour
Applied Mathematics                                   2,5
Information technology in the economy   0,5
Foreign language                                   1,5
History of economic doctrines                    4
Russian                                                    2
Business law                                            2
Economics                                                   2,5
all                                                           15

How can I put these lesson
Ulugbek, you can consider two ways:
1. Use Period mode timetable (2 periods 5 days) and distribute activities by periods. For example, period 1 - 3 Economics and 2 Applied Mathematics and period 2 - 2 Economics and 3 Applied Mathematics (Information technology in the economy and Foreign language as it - 2/0 at period 1 and 1/1 at period 2). Summary: one week 3 Econ. + 2 Math. + 2 Inf. + 0 Lang. = 7 hour, and next week 2 Econ. + 3 Math. + 1 Inf. + 1 Lang. = 7 hour.
2. In our school we distribute activities by semestr and default mode timetable, but new timetable in next semestr. For example: semestr 1 - 3 Economics and 2 Applied Mathematics and semestr 2 - 2 Economics and 3 Applied Mathematics (Information technology in the economy and Foreign language as it - 2/0 at semestr 1 and 1/1 at semestr 2). Summary: one semestr 3 Econ. + 2 Math. + 2 Inf. + 0 Lang. = 7 hour, and next semestr 2 Econ. + 3 Math. + 1 Inf. + 1 Lang. = 7 hour.
Sorry for my english. На русском могу объяснить подробнее.
General Stuff / Re: Adding serial numbers
July 28, 2021, 07:17:16 PM
I think, TAHIR mens teacher or class number for each of them. Darren McDonald tell about this in "Import/Export Comments with CSV"

TAHIR, you can use "comments" for this case.
Report Test Results / Re: Testing FET-6.0.0
April 23, 2021, 11:13:00 PM
Thank you, it helps me to translate this form.
Report Test Results / Re: Testing FET-6.0.0
April 23, 2021, 10:50:25 PM
I understand, but why show four generated when really write to disk one (in first case) or two (in second) timetables?

Maybe four is a generating, not timetables?
Report Test Results / Re: Testing FET-6.0.0
April 23, 2021, 10:34:20 PM
Test 6.0.2-snapshot-23-apr-2021-11_50
It was generated 4 timetable in multithread with time limit 20 min for each. When time exceeds, FET write only one highest timetable, but show, that 4 timetables generated (see attachment). The same situation, when generate 2 complete timetables and time exceeds for other - show 4 generated, but 2 write on disk. Is it expected behavior? I expect number of real generated timetable.
Report Test Results / Re: Testing FET-6.0.0
April 08, 2021, 06:12:58 PM
Report Test Results / Re: Testing FET-6.0.0
April 07, 2021, 09:53:33 PM
1. I agree, but not understand how :-\ I need to learn the theory of threads control.
2. When I press Stop button. I understand. I expected highest timetable for each threads.