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Messages - Volker Dirr

Suggestions / Re: Request for possible useful functions
September 08, 2024, 07:22:20 PM
Quote from: topposempre on September 08, 2024, 06:29:55 PM- insert the maximum number of teachers and/or subjects possible per day (to avoid having 5 different subjects in one day)

Depending on your data set, it might be very easy. If you have sub-activities with duration > 2 you only need to select that sub-activities and place a min day constraint with 100%.
If you have less then "number of days per week" of those sub-activities, then your request "to avoid having 5 different subjects in one day" is impossible.
For example at my current school it is impossible, since there is only art and physical education with duration = 2. At my old school it was possible since the 3 main subjects had also an sub-activity with duration = 2. But in my opinion that rule is too strict. let's say if you have subjects like art, sport, cooking, ... with duration 1 only, then it doesn't matter if there are many different subjects the same day. Most schools tag the "difficult learning" subjects and set a max tags per day constraint instead.
Get Help / Re: How can I manage the pre-school program?
September 08, 2024, 05:07:41 PM
Before thinking about new problem, you need to fix your current data set. It is not solve able at the moment.

From a pedagogic and also from a teachers view it isn't clever to randomly select a teacher. I don't know your school, but it sounds like it is clever to choose for example the class teacher for this task. So he knows the pupils already and he will be also at the correct building already. So just choose the students and teachers, add an activity for them and maybe also add a room constraint for them. Then fet can place that activity somewhere.

Report a Bug / Re: crash with huge file
September 07, 2024, 12:16:42 PM
Did you wrote the fet file yourself (so by a text editor, an own software/script/...)? Or did you produce the wrong fet file by using the fet interface?
Report a Bug / Re: crash with huge file
September 07, 2024, 09:46:59 AM
Yes, I just saw that too. We will have a closer look on that.
Report a Bug / Re: crash with huge file
September 07, 2024, 09:43:22 AM
Liviu: Have a closer look at that file, since even after disabling that constraints, it crashes.
Report a Bug / Re: crash with huge file
September 07, 2024, 09:41:29 AM
It is only a small file.
You must fix the bug that is written in the warning.
You added constraints for activity tags, but there are no activities that use that tags.
Just disable that constraints from the warnings.
Yes. I know. It is sadly not easy to detect if it is possible or not.
In normal case it doesn't matter, since students tables are 100% filled. At most schools there will be always more than 1 activity in such a slot and in that case i can't span with HTML, even if the activities are always the same activities.
So the situation that you display in the screenshots will not happen at most schools.
I already added it on my TODO list to improve that, but there will be only a very low number of schools where I can help with such a feature, so this TODO has a very low priority on my list.
Please don't forget to record a video or call Liviu. We want to fix that bug.
hmm... Don't understand it. Can you please record a video or video call Liviu?
It is still on my TODO list. Sadly much work to code it (it not very difficult, it is "only" much work) and I am currently busy with other stuff. I think this will be one of my next project if i am coding on FET, but don't expect a release this year.
General Stuff / Re: Speed of FET
August 22, 2024, 01:07:13 PM
Ich schreibe sie noch später per Email an. Ich komme gerade erst von der Arbeit zurück und muss mich erst mit Liviu kurzschließen.
Liviu antwortet immer extrem schnell und hätte Ihnen schon längst geantwortet. Er wartet noch auf meine Antwort. Ich werde das mit Liviu heute Nachmittag besprechen und mich danach bei ihnen melden. Sie können uns ihre Gedanken dazu auch gerne vorher mitteilen.
General Stuff / Re: Speed of FET
August 21, 2024, 05:53:58 PM
Ich sehe gerade ihre Freeware Software auf ihrer Homepage. Wenn die FET Dateien importieren können, dann könnten wir evtl. auch einen Link von hier bzw. Livius Homepage erstellen.
Achten Sie bitte darauf, dass FET der AGPL unterliegt. Da sie jetzt den FET Quelltext und Dokumentation lesen und dort ((evtl.) teilweise) Ideen und Techniken mehr oder weniger dirket übernehmen, müssten Sie ihre Software, die es verwendet, ebenfalls unter die AGPL stellen und die Urheber nennen. Am besten einmal die ganze AGPL prüfen. Aber sie kennen ja bestimmt die ähnlichen Probleme die Linux wine, ReactOS und anderen Projekten durch lesen von fremden Quelltext entstanden sind.
Get Help / Re: Comments being in italic
August 18, 2024, 08:59:27 PM
hmm... Not sure. I think this is not a question of right or wrong. It is a design question. Some guys like red color, some green color, some blue color, some bold, some italic, some larger font, some smaller font, ...
Snapshots / Re: FET-6.23.0 snapshot available
August 16, 2024, 06:19:52 PM
Please tell us what you mean with "the printing still needs better development".
I just want to mention, that it was only possible like this, since I was able to check and bugfix a bit Livius work, since I have got holiday at the moment.
And Liviu is unemployed and was working like maniac in the last days.
He started working on FET after he woke up at home and he already wrote me mails at around 06:30 in the morning and I got a lot of mails during the whole day until late in night. Sometimes I even got the last mails after midnight at 02:40 in the night (or should i say early morning?)
So please donate to him and test carefully all tables.