FetToExcelExporter. A program to convert XML FET output files to Excel Workbook

Started by Groucho, September 10, 2015, 10:51:21 AM

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I have try on Mac OS Sierra and the app crash when export file.

Provato con MAc OS Sierra e crassha quando esporti il file subito dopo aver indicato nome e luogo dove salvare il file. Aggiungo che se si cambia font viene una scritta del tipo null(0) dove normalmente c'è scritto il font.


I tried to change the font and save the file for Excel on my MacBook but did not match the reported issues.
Could you send me the file that generated the reported error?

Ho provato a modificare il font e salvare il file per Excel sul mio MacBook con MacOS Sierra ma non riscontro i problemi segnalati.
Potreste inviarmi il file che genera l'errore segnalato?


thank you sir for this great tool
i have been using it for more than two years
i only need one thing if you can add
please i want you sir to add "rooms to excel file""

because we have only  ""teacher to excel file""  and ""students to excell file""

Liviu Lalescu

Roberto Trevisan just sent me his latest updates, including rooms' timetable. No Mac version, yet (only Windows). See https://lalescu.ro/liviu/fet/toolslinks.html

Liviu Lalescu

Roberto Trevisan just sent me updates to his tool. No Mac version. The user can choose what to print.

See https://lalescu.ro/liviu/fet/toolslinks.html


thank you very much both of you for all your time and effort
the idea of selection is very great indeed
however it looks the same problem persists

export the rooms (students only) but we find only subjects and teachers


for me what is very useful is to find in the excel sheet named  (all rooms) the students only


Still there is a problem
Choosing  export teacher's   and only subjects this will give you the rooms
Choosing  export teacher's   and only rooms this will give you the students
Choosing  export teacher's   and only students this will give you the subjects
Choosing  export students's   and only teachers this will give you the rooms
Choosing  export students's   and only rooms this will give you the teachers
The only thing which sounds to work is :
Choosing  export students's   and only subjects this will give you the subjects (no problem)

Concerning the rooms what i realy find useful is :
The all rooms sheet must have only the students

Liviu Lalescu

Groucho sent me the hopefully corrected code. Please get the new version (


Liviu Lalescu


I have been using FETtoExcelExporter.
I hope the author receives this letter
Can the author help me to transfer the classes 10A1,10A2,10A3......10A10 and 11A1,11A2,.....11A10 and 12A1,....12A10
When I convert excel to:
10A1, 10A10, 10A11 and 11A1, 11A10,11A2....11A9 and 12A1,12A10,...12A9
And convert the layers to horizontal, vertical


My class order is 10A1,10A2,10A3,10A4,10A5,10A6,10A7,10A8,10A9,10A10,10A11