Text to be displayed in Break Slot

Started by S Chandrasekar, October 20, 2019, 05:13:03 PM

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Volker Dirr

You didn't read carefully. The GUI is wrong.
Please go to the main menu:
fet-> data -> time constraints -> misc

a user can read there:
"Break (all teacher + all students are not available)"
There is no single word about gaps.

Only if you enter that you can read some stuff about gaps, but the user must still assume that it is only for teachers and students.

So the GUI is wrong. It should be something like:
"Break (all activities are not available)"

Liviu Lalescu

OK, I corrected (the newly released FET-5.40.2 is corrected). I changed to "Break times" only.

I did not see the menu, I only worked from the shortcuts tab.

Liviu Lalescu

With Volker's help and code I did this custom version (to write "INTERVAL" in the breaks, with uniting the cells). Please get it from https://lalescu.ro/liviu/fet/download/custom/chandrasekar/

S Chandrasekar


Quote from: Liviu Lalescu on October 22, 2019, 04:11:33 PM
With Volker's help and code I did this custom version (to write "INTERVAL" in the breaks, with uniting the cells). Please get it from https://lalescu.ro/liviu/fet/download/custom/chandrasekar/

Liviu, instead of a custom version, you can consider including this in settings -> timetables -> "Mark break slots with custom text". Let the user decide, whether s/he wants to use the default '-X-' or any custom text. Similarly for 'uniting' the cells.

Liviu Lalescu

S Chandrasekar: You are welcome!

Nagendra: I will add your suggestion in the TODO. But I do not know if it will be implemented (soon).

Volker Dirr

We can't just do it right now in official version, because there is still a lot to do:
- the custom version do it only in a few tables. it must be written to all.
- it spans only horizontal. breaks might span vertical too. that is not written yet.
- the span might be only a part of the row/column. that is not written yet.
i think i can code the stuff above, but i don't have time to do that now.

But there is more critical stuff:
- the break span might be vertical and horizontal at the same time. that is sadly impossible with html. how to care about it? we need an other output format to support that. Which one do you suggest? who will code that? i don't have time to care about an other output format. Some guys suggested Excel, but in the last +10 years nobody cared about that. nobody helped with that.

even i helped coding, i don't like the idea to add it into official, because there are too many disadvanatges.
see the 4 disadvanatges above. but there are even more:
- tables will grow with unneeded information. they might not fit on a paper if you print.
- generating will be slower. generating the data will be faster without breaking a whole hour

i can't see advanatges in doing that. why should it be better for other schools in your opinion?