Teachers interval 1h max days per week

Started by YOUSSEF HOUIET, September 13, 2022, 06:32:47 PM

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Can we use this constraint for one hour, because the interface forces us to choose an interval of at least 2 hours?
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Liviu Lalescu

Say you have hours: H1, H2, H3, H4.

If you select H1 for start and H2 for end, it is only the first hour (1 hour).

If you select H3 for start and H4 for end, it is only the before-the-last hour (1 hour).

If you select H4 for start and End of day for end, it is for the last hour (1 hour).


Thank you my friend
i undersund now  :D
I mistakenly thought the interval included the end hour