Una sola attività occupa più aule

Started by Giggino, September 27, 2023, 10:35:20 AM

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ho bisogno di fare in modo che una attività occupa più aule, come posso fare?
Ho dei sottogruppi ma anche sotto-sottogruppi, qualche suggerimento? Grazie!

Liviu Lalescu


Scusi l'inglese: You can use a virtual room. Read the Help button for virtual rooms in the Rooms dialog.


Well it is not really clear how to do it.
I have one activity for 2 classes and 4 teachers, i need 4 rooms for this activity.
How should i configure it?
I suppose i can create a VRRoom and make it virtual adding the 4 real rooms but i get an error saying that i need more sets...


Liviu Lalescu


I was just going to show you an example. You can open the file examples/FET-5/Germany-first-school/3 or something like that.

I think you need to add 4 sets, and each set contains R1,R2,R3,R4. Or set 1 contains R1, ..., set 4 contains R4. Then preferred room RV for that activity.