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Dolphins schedule

Started by Paul the dolphin, October 09, 2014, 10:06:29 PM

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Paul the dolphin

here goes

ptn 1, no rest.
ptn 2, no rest.
ptn 3, p8, d/t free
ptn 4, t1, p/d free
ptn 5, t2, p/d free
ptn 6, t2, P5 d=free
ptn 7, t2, p3 d free
ptn 8, t2 d/p free
ptn 9, t3, p5 d=free
ptn 10, t3 or t4, p2, d free

ptn 11 is a shadow client who comes the second week, has no effects on schedule, just different patient in the same time slot with the same therapist and dolphin of ptn 10
ptn 12 is with ptn 4 the same but a little different, they both have different therapist, which we can slot in later. These are very rare occurences and dont need a work around or something.

However, ptn 5 and 6 are brother and sister who need to be in the same timeslot, which is variable as well (either t2 or t3). In the current case we dont have that problem since p5 only does 2 kids and has to work pat 9 in t3 result automatically in t2 for p5 and p6. So the question is in other situation might we pair 2 kids in 1 random timeslot distrubuted over 2 therapist and 2 dolphins? (not a problem now, but might be in the future.

Who works how many clients and new set dolphin preferences
p1=2            3,2
p2=2            4,3
p3=1            4,3
p4=2            5,2
p5=2            1,3
p6=0            2,1
p7=2            3,1
p8=1            5
p9=0            5

Dolphin restrictions:
D3 has first session off
back up dolphin in first 3 sessions (same, excluded the 4th session of a backup dolphin)

preferably no 4th session at all (same)

Paul the dolphin

adjusted according to your remarks, however dolphin 2 gets spared, why wont the program put ptn 4 with dolphin 2 and a random therapist in t1, most obvious option?

Paul the dolphin

made some more adjustments, mainly text revision to order the time restraints

Still cant generate something where dolphin 2 gets to work.

Liviu Lalescu

Quote from: Paul the dolphin on October 22, 2014, 04:26:52 PM
here goes

ptn 1, no rest.
ptn 2, no rest.
ptn 3, p8, d/t free
ptn 4, t1, p/d free
ptn 5, t2, p/d free
ptn 6, t2, P5 d=free
ptn 7, t2, p3 d free
ptn 8, t2 d/p free
ptn 9, t3, p5 d=free
ptn 10, t3 or t4, p2, d free

ptn 11 is a shadow client who comes the second week, has no effects on schedule, just different patient in the same time slot with the same therapist and dolphin of ptn 10
ptn 12 is with ptn 4 the same but a little different, they both have different therapist, which we can slot in later. These are very rare occurences and dont need a work around or something.

However, ptn 5 and 6 are brother and sister who need to be in the same timeslot, which is variable as well (either t2 or t3). In the current case we dont have that problem since p5 only does 2 kids and has to work pat 9 in t3 result automatically in t2 for p5 and p6. So the question is in other situation might we pair 2 kids in 1 random timeslot distrubuted over 2 therapist and 2 dolphins? (not a problem now, but might be in the future.

Who works how many clients and new set dolphin preferences
p1=2            3,2
p2=2            4,3
p3=1            4,3
p4=2            5,2
p5=2            1,3
p6=0            2,1
p7=2            3,1
p8=1            5
p9=0            5

Dolphin restrictions:
D3 has first session off
back up dolphin in first 3 sessions (same, excluded the 4th session of a backup dolphin)

preferably no 4th session at all (same)

OK, please check the attached  :)

I did not care about pat 11 and 12, nor about 5 and 6's problem. But I think it may be possible to customize further the custom dolphins FET version to make two activities have the same time slot (for pat 5 and 6).

Please let me know.

Edited to add: I added backup session for t4, but should not matter.

Liviu Lalescu

Hmm, in my solution I added maximum working slots for each therapist, in total 12. The file has only 10 activities, so FET will leave 2 slots for random therapists unoccupied. In my solution above P1 does not work (but you required 2 slots for him).

Paul the dolphin

One of the 12 gets treated by a random therapist, the one who isnt doing 2 yet.
The other one gets done by p2 in t3 in the 2nd week, she isnt on the schedule yet.

Forgot to add 1 kid; ptn 11, all free which might explain the differences

Liviu Lalescu


I forgot: it is better to keep all activities (16) and just activate and deactivate them as needed. Because it is very hard if you removed an activity to add a new one - you need to edit almost every constraint.

Paul the dolphin

Hey hey,

yesterday I got it to work; I got a good schedule with all ptn's planned in. The reason the second dolphin wasnt scheduled was due to it no being preferred first by any therapist. This resulted in the incomplete schedule on my side. Unknown to me FET rather kept an activity out of the schedule than to pick a second dairy dolphin even when I decreased dolphin preferences from 100-95-90 to 95-90. Any ideas on this?

Could you take a look at how set up the preferences of the therapists for the dolphins?



Paul the dolphin

if it all checks out, i m going to try to make a clean format based on your last file which I can use to fill out each new period with clear directions for the others to use

Liviu Lalescu

Why aren't you using my previous file? It has all 16 activities and you can simply reuse it in the future, if you get for instance 14 activities, by just inactivating two. But you cannot reuse your file.

Also, your new file is a kind of disordered for me, but I don't disagree if it is good for you.

To say that Dolphin 3 does not work in t1 you need to use activities preferred time slots with 100% (anyway, I saw that this is inactive in your set), not max occupied slots.

Also, for preferences, you are making a mistake. You said, for instance, for the last preferences, of Sebastiaan, that he should always take Dolphin 4 (100%), but may choose between Dolphin 3 and 4 with 90%, so sometimes the chosen dolphin might be different from Dolphin 3 and 4 (but will always be on Dolphin 4, because of the previous constraint). You need to switch the weights.

But your files solves? You said it does not solve.

Paul the dolphin

Thanks for the input liviu,

I use the file you send. I going to add some comments to make it easier for my coworkers to work with and some constraints so it will be easier to select/deselect when needed; i dont think they will understand it in depth enough to make their own new constraints just (de)selecting and adjusting to new period. Could you check it when I'm done with it? That will probably be next week somewhere. So far so good in any case. Next week the management is back so i can start presenting the plans


Liviu Lalescu

OK, I'll try  :)

The first half of the constraints should remain the same (before the "END GENERIC CONSTRAINTS" comment). Take care, included in these generic constraints is that P9 does not work (you may remove if needed).

If you add comments on multiple lines for the constraints, maybe you can add some spaces at the beginning of a new line, so I can distinct between constraints and comments.

So, the therapists/dolphins preferences problems are solved now?

PS: I now thought that you want to derive your own data file, in your style. But I might not be able to spot your errors, so please forgive me in this case. I'll try.

Liviu Lalescu

You may ask me specific questions about the constraints. For instance, the maximum number of working hours for a therapist is set by a constraint activities occupy max time slots from selection, unless this number is 0, in which case we need to use activities preferred time slots. We can only specify the maximum number (and not the minimum number), but I guess that's OK for our case.

Liviu Lalescu

If really needed, the FET-dolphins custom version could be customized further, so the user can input simply the data in his paper view and FET will derive its own constraints. For instance, the user might input: "pat 1 restricted to t1 any P" and FET to generate the constraints.

But this is tedious to add, and useless if you play some more with FET and learn how to add the constraints fast enough, using those 16 activities and the GENERIC CONSTRAINTS from the basic example.

Paul the dolphin

hey liviu,

I finished the file, can you take a look at it?

I found that Merel doesn't get placed in the schedule any idea whats wrong?

Can you explain me again how it works with preferred dolphins? How do i set for 1st and 2nd preference and after 3rd = any dolphin?

Mashi danki!