A constraint takes priority over the others

Started by Omar Ben Ali, August 27, 2018, 09:11:03 PM

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Omar Ben Ali

I set the constraint "all students works in an hourly interval max days per week"=9 from the first period H1 to the last one H4, because i want to have all students with at least 3 half free days. But i get  timetables where students have Monday morning free which is unacceptable. So the solution is to use the wonderful constraint" a set of activities occupies max time slots from selection" to have at least 2 hours in Monday morning but it does not work. I get 3 sets of students with a free Monday morning.
Is the first constraint used takes priority over the second constraint ?.
Or maybe the constraint " A set of activities occupies max time slots from selection" is not highly optimized!

Liviu Lalescu

Quote from: Omar Ben Ali on August 27, 2018, 09:11:03 PM
I set the constraint "all students works in an hourly interval max days per week"=9 from the first period H1 to the last one H4, because i want to have all students with at least 3 half free days. But i get  timetables where students have Monday morning free which is unacceptable. So the solution is to use the wonderful constraint" a set of activities occupies max time slots from selection" to have at least 2 hours in Monday morning but it does not work. I get 3 sets of students with a free Monday morning.
Is the first constraint used takes priority over the second constraint ?.
Or maybe the constraint " A set of activities occupies max time slots from selection" is not highly optimized!

Neither of these two. I think you are making mistakes. Please read the help of this "occupy max" constraint.

You need to add all the activities of students set S (say they have 15 hours per week), selected slots = all slots of the week but without Monday morning, max occupied = 15 - 2 = 13.

Omar Ben Ali

Thank you for you fast response
Here my data file . Please take a look at the set of students TCS-1 , 1BACSE-3 and 1BACSM-1



السلام عليكم
الاخ عمر بن علي
اريد  ان اطلع على النسخة التي استعملتها
في انجاز هذا الجدول
هل هذة القاعدة يمكن استغلالها لانجاز جداول حصص لبنية مشابهة؟
الشكر الجزيل على ما تقدمه لاطر الادارة التربوية

Liviu Lalescu

You need to add this constraint for each students subgroup, if the group contains subgroups (for instance, you need to add for TCS-1:G1 and TCS-1:G2, considering that each of them has 31 hours of activities).

Omar Ben Ali

Quote from: Liviu Lalescu on August 28, 2018, 12:00:09 PM
You need to add this constraint for each students subgroup, if the group contains subgroups (for instance, you need to add for TCS-1:G1 and TCS-1:G2, considering that each of them has 31 hours of activities).
You are right. I made the mistake of not applying the constraint to each students subgroup. I followed your directions and every thing appear to be in order.
Thank you for your valuable assitance and wonderful support.

Liviu Lalescu

Omar Ben Ali

Quote from: redamoha on August 28, 2018, 10:10:59 AM
السلام عليكم
الاخ عمر بن علي
اريد  ان اطلع على النسخة التي استعملتها
في انجاز هذا الجدول
هل هذة القاعدة يمكن استغلالها لانجاز جداول حصص لبنية مشابهة؟
الشكر الجزيل على ما تقدمه لاطر الادارة التربوية
وعليكم السلام
أستعمل النسخة الأخيرة من برنامج فيت
طبعا يمكن الاستفادة من هذه القاعدة ومحاولة تطبيق بعض القيود على قاعدة بيانات أخرى .
هناك خطأ وقعت فيه عند تطبيق القيد
" أنشطة تحتل أقصى فترات زمنية محددة وهو تطبيقه على القسم بالكامل عوض تطبيقه على كل مجموعة ( فوج) على حده. السيد ليفيو نبهني مشكورا إلى هذا الخطأ


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