New Feature: News ticker in substitution table

Started by Volker Dirr, October 13, 2020, 07:14:51 PM

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Volker Dirr

I am currently working on a new feature:
The substitution table can now have up to two news ticker. One in the top and one on the bottom.
They can (scroll from right to left) or (scroll from left to right) or (just be static). (Or disabled)

Please let me know if the tickers are fine (Of course you can choose speed, color and font yourself).
I only need to know if it is working fine on different devices.

Please see a preview here:

Volker Dirr

I coded a new version (manualy so far only).
It will be added into TiTiTo the next days if you don't observe critical bugs.
You will be able to add in each corner the current date, time, date+time or a static text.
Date and time format will be available in different formats (depending on the language settings in TiTiTo and your webbrowser).
Check following link and let me know if it is running fine:

Liviu Lalescu

Benahmed Abdelkrim


Volker Dirr

Thank you for report. I already started to implement that feature. New beta will be out soon.