Custom FET for course planning

Started by Liviu Lalescu, April 20, 2014, 08:29:17 PM

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Liviu Lalescu

Suggested by the user jimmyjim here: , we made a custom version allowing automatic students sectioning (course planning). It can probably be used in US high-schools. Please see the Custom versions on FET homepage for download links.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with a minor improvement.

Bobby Wise

Hello Liviu,

Will these customization's become part of mainstream FET?

Liviu Lalescu

Not in the near future, because the changes are critical and I am afraid of new bugs. Also, our example file does not always solve and I had to come up with a hack to overcome this. But I will think about this proposal.

Anyway, I don't plan (hopefully) to improve FET too much in the future, so the custom mapr version will remain up to date.

Did you try this mapr version on the provided example? Do you like it? Tell me more about what you think.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with a crash bug fix.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with important bugs fixed. (thanks to Yush Yuen!)

I am using the new Qt 4.8.6 and it seems that the Windows version looks ugly. Let me know what you think.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with a crash bug fixed.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with a minor bug fixed.

Bobby Wise

Hello Liviu,

Where can I download this latest customization?

Liviu Lalescu

Please see the Custom versions on FET homepage for download links.

Unfortunately, our sample file does not always solve. I am working on it, but I don't know if I'll have success. Usually, you need to run the sample file for about an hour, then restart.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new mapr version with some things improved. I also updated the Windows version to Qt 5.2.1, please test on your Windows computers to check that it runs.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with an improved input file.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with a minor interface fix.

Liviu Lalescu

I added a new version, with many important changes (hopefully good ones). It seems that now the provided example input file is solved always, and fast. Please get it and test it.


Good stuff!! Scheduled 3 times all in less than 8 minutes for 7200 activities.. Nice improvement..good job.

Would be good if we found a way to schedule the activities to different rooms based on capicity!