FET executable for Mac OS X, by Darren McDonald

Started by Liviu Lalescu, August 10, 2016, 06:49:32 PM

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Hi Darren,
I tried downloading the new FET-6.9.4.zip but it seems to have the same problem :-(

Volker Dirr

Just as a question:
Do you have an Intel (x86) Apple computer (so around 2 years and older)
or do you have a M1 or M2 (ARM) Apple comuter (so around 2 years and newer)?


Intel macOS (macMini 2018 with macOS Ventura). Versions until FET-6.9.2 work as expected

Volker Dirr

hmm... ok.
I don't know the reaason yet. We didn't change macOS related stuff in the FET source.
So i guess...
... there is a bug in the newer Qt versions
... Darren or newer Qt Versions might have accidentally changed the target version from x86 to ARM.

I sadly haven't got an idea how to locate and fix the bug.


I searched for the error online and I finally found the solution, there is something wrong with the file attributes. I fixed by executing:
xattr -cr fet.appMaybe there is some extended attribute that wasn't there on the previous versions, now it works.

Darren McDonald

Quote from: ayreon on August 09, 2023, 11:25:45 AMI searched for the error online and I finally found the solution, there is something wrong with the file attributes. I fixed by executing:
xattr -cr fet.appMaybe there is some extended attribute that wasn't there on the previous versions, now it works.

Sorry for the late reply, and thanks ayreon for sending this along. I think the issue was caused by a bad installation of Qt on one of my computers—compiling now doesn't seem to be problematic, but do let us know if you run into any further trouble!



I have just downloaded fet-6.12.0.dmg, I open a .fet file and when I press button timetable-generate-*start*, form vanishes and no further notice of the app apart of the crash report (attached). I have observed the same behaviour with some previous .dmg packages, fet-6.9.2.dmg is the last one that works properly in my box.

I have managed to build fet from source through MacPorts qt5 (qt6 has errors in Big Sur MacPorts) and it works like a charm.

I would only to point out these crashes, for what it's worth.

Thanks Liviu, Volker, Darren and all who have contributed to fet.

Liviu Lalescu

Thank you, @rbenit68 ,

Please have a look at the supported platforms: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/supported-platforms.html

It seems that you need macOS >= 11 to be able to use Qt 6, which is used by Darren in his FET package. Fortunately, FET can be compiled also with Qt 5, which is what you did.


Thank you @Liviu Lalescu.

As you point out, macOS 11 is a supported platform for qt6, so maybe the problem is a different one.


Liviu Lalescu

I think they say on that page that to build a project with Qt 6 you need macOS >= 12? Maybe they forgot to check compatibility with macOS 11...

I do not understand these problems with old macOS operating systems - on a PC I can simply install at any moment the latest preferred GNU/Linux distribution.

I think/hope it is not a FET problem.


I used FET Timetible for Mac over 8 years. However, last month i faced Macbook crash and reinstall it from fresh copy. However, Due to hardware problem, I just have Macbook with Catalina OS. When I visit FET for MAc repository, I did found the matched FET version for Catalina. I tried, the newest version (16.4), but It could not running in Catalina. Is there any download link of FET for mac perhaps V 6.9 or 6.11?

Liviu Lalescu

Unfortunately, I do not have these. I hope @Darren McDonald has some older versions.

Volker Dirr

I guess it is a problem of the OS or Qt version, not the FET version.
I might compile the latest FET version on my Mac Mini 2014. I guess that might work. But compiling is need much time on that old computer.
Please test if you can run this TiTiTo version on your computer:

If that version works on your computer, then i will compile the latest FET version similar for you.


My apologies for late reply, due to missing notification.

Unfortunately, I could not run the application.

FYI, my macbook is Macbook Pro 13" Mid 2012

Volker Dirr

Hmm... Ok. Sadly i can't compile for older MacOS versions :-(
By the way: It is not good to use such an old operating system. At least, if you browse with it in the internet. The old operating systems have all a lot of known security bugs and Apple (and also other OS vendors) won't fix them anymore.
You should think about updating your OS.
In best case by the official Apple store, but i saw your hardware isn't supported anymore by Apple.
So you should maybe think about 4 variants:
a) Update the OS with a tool like OCLP. see https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher/
b) Install a current Linux version
c) Think about buying a new computer
d) unplug your computer from the internet or at least visit only pages that you fully trust AND that doesn't contain advertisement, since bad guys like spreading malware by using bugs from the webbrowser and they are impeding the malware in pictures, sounds or videos of advertisement. So even very trustful pages can have included malware if they present advertisement from other guys.