block a teacher

Started by GuidoU, September 24, 2016, 05:52:28 PM

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Hi Liviu,
i've generated a timetable with fet and i want to do a new generation of a new timetable with a teacher blocked (with the activities in the same hours of the same days of the previous one).
For example:

Mister X in the old timetable (5 hours a day: mon - fri; X=no lesson):
mon 1A-1A-1A-X-X-X; tue 1B-1B-X-1C-1C; wed X-X-X-X-X; thu X-X-2C-2C-2C; fri 3B-3B-X-X-X;

Mister X in the NEW timetable
mon 1A-1A-1A-X-X-X; tue 1B-1B-X-1C-1C; wed X-X-X-X-X; thu X-X-2C-2C-2C; fri 3B-3B-X-X-X;

What may i do?
Thanks in advance.

Liviu Lalescu

1) Open the file file_data_and_timetable.fet from fet-results,

2) Generate (it will be fast),

3) Unlock all activities of the timetable,

4) View teachers' timetable for teacher X, block all his activities

5) Generate (maybe slow).

There may be other variants.


Thank you very much for the answer.
Best regards,

Liviu Lalescu