Aide pour mon planning

Started by Salaheddine, September 02, 2023, 02:56:05 PM

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Bonjour tout le monde,
Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider pour mon planning ?


Si quelqu'un veut m'aider je peux lui envoyer mon planning !


Dans mon lycée il y a 10 classes

Volker Dirr

Hallo Salaheddine,

you wrote in "Report Test Results". So readers in the forum expect to read here about guys that done their timetable with FET and report the good (or bad) parts of their timetable.

If you need help, then you should write in "Get Help" if you have a guestion or in "Get Help on Your Input File" if you already entered some data in fet but can't fix a problem.

Also your current question is very extensive. In normal case the users ask a very specific question so we can normaly answer and help very fast with a few sentences.

But asking like "can you help" is too unspecific. Sounds like you didn't done your activity planning so far and someone should enter all the data and generate the whole timetable. Depending on your school this might be a pretty large task. I fear nobody won't spent so much time for free.

If you have some special questions only, i recommend to ask more specific in "get help". I am sure you will get answers there fast and free.
If you need a guy that helps you from the beginning to the end, then also ask this more direct in "Get Help", but i think in that case you should add an a financial offer, since i guess nobody will do such a big task for free.


Tout d'abord merci de m'avoir répondu "Volker Dirr" car cela prouve que le site est actif.
Je me dirigerai vers la rubrique "obtenir de l'aide".
Pour répondre à votre question, j'ai planifié toutes les activités de mon lycée. C'est la troisième année d'utilisation de FET. Mais cette année nous avons beaucoup de sous-groupes et beaucoup de contraintes ce qui fait que FET tourne en boucle. Parfois des résultats après 10h mais avec beaucoup de conflits. Et j'aimerai bien qu'un utilisateur expérimenté puisse jeter un coup d'œil sur mon planning en espérant me fournir quelques pistes, astuces ou autre.
Je vois que vous êtes Level 5 ("Volker Dirr"), pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît voir mon ficher .fet ?

Volker Dirr

If i understood correct, then you generated a timetable and all activities are placed.
There are "only" a lot of soft conflicts and you want to reduce the number of soft conflicts, don't you?
In that case select a constraint with less then 100% and increase it to 100%. Then generate again.

If you can generate again, then the timetable is of course better.

If you can't generate again, then the constraint is in fact impossible. So modifing it again to a value over 0% and less then 100% is only waisting time. In that case you can reduce it down to 0% (or even remove it at all).

If your data set is currently pretty slow, then it is clever to do this with disabled teacher gaps constraint (Or at least with a high value) and or do it with multible cores (so generate multible tables at once). You can enable this again later to locate the "buggy/impossible" constraints first.